Even if the above-described three preconditions have been fulfilled, the following exemptions from the obligation to obtain a permit still exist (cf. BewG 7):
- Statutory or appointed heirs or legatees under Swiss law, if they acquire real estate through devolution of the estate
- Relatives of the alienator in rising and descending lineage, as well as the respective spouse or registered partner
- Acquirers who are already co-owners or total owners of the real estate (excl. condominium ownership)
- Condominium owners who exchange condominium units in the same building or in the same condominium development
- EU and EFTA international commuters for the acquisition of a second home in the region of their place of work
- Acquirers of realigned boundaries
- Foreign states and international organisations and other beneficiaries under the Swiss Guest State Act (“Gaststaatgesetz”) which acquire real estate for official purposes